Check out our 4-part video series on how to choose an instrument!



5 Green Tree Drive (Unit B); South Burlington, VT 05403.

(802) 862-0349.

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 3pm
(the last hour of the day (4-5 pm) is spent sanitizing for Covid-Safety. We can help you during this hour, but please try to come in earlier if at all possible. Thank you!)

Vermont Violins moved to Burlington’s historic Church Street Marketplace in 2010. The Burlington Violin Shop was established over 20 years ago.

Vermont Violins is happy to announce the relocation of the Burlington store - to a larger, more spacious, and easier-to-access prime location. We are excited to welcome you to our new workshop and showroom. The high warm ambiance of the retail space and the high-tech, self-designed workshop offers an outstanding experience to all our clients. Our staff of experienced professional musicians and luthiers are happy to talk about their work and frequently demonstrate how modern instruments are built.



The Gatehouse, Powerhouse Mall
8 Glen Rd. Box 19
West Lebanon, NH 03784


Mondays: 10:00 - 5:00
Tuesday - Friday 10:00 - 6:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 4:00

Located in the Powerhouse Mall in NH, we opened a shop in 2003 for our customer base in the Upper Valley region servicing clients from the Upper Valley Music Center, Dartmouth College, and outlying communities from the coast of Maine to Boston to Connecticut.  The shop is easily accessible from I89 or I91. The beautiful woodwork and wrought iron decorations of the mall, alongside amazing acoustics, provide an aesthetically attractive location with ample shopping opportunities, including LL Bean, for other members of the family.